[[Image:{{{Flag}}}|125px|Pīwari o {{{Name}}}]]
[[Image:{{{Seal}}}|100px|Waitohu o {{{Name}}}]]
[[Pīwari o {{{Name}}}]]
[[Waitohu o {{{Name}}}]]
Ingoa kārangaranga: {{{Nickname}}}
[[Image:{{{Map}}}|center|300px]] Map of the Kānata with {{{Name}}} highlighted
Tāone matua |
Tāone nui |
Rahi |
- Katoa |
{{{TotalArea}}} km² (te {{{AreaRank}}})
- Whānui |
{{{Width}}} km
- Whāroa |
{{{Length}}} km
- Rohe whenua |
{{{LandArea}}} km²
- Rohe wai |
{{{WaterArea}}} km²
- % wai |
- Ahopae |
- Ahopou |
Taupori |
- Katoa |
{{{Population}}} ({{{PopRank}}})
- Kiato |
Teitei |
- Wāhi teitei
{{{HighestPoint}}} {{{HighestElev}}} m
- Teitei toharite |
{{{MeanElev}}} m
- Wāhi pāpaku |
{{{LowestElev}}} m
{{{AdmittanceDate}}} (te {{{AdmittanceOrder}}})
Rutene Kawana |
Pirimia |
Wāhi taima
Tohu karere |
-Postal |
-ISO 3166-2 |
{{{ISO 3166-2}}}