Ko te take e korerotia nei, ko te patungakore. He kupu hou tenei mo nga whakaaro e pa ana ki te ngaronga, te whakakahore hoki, o te mahi kohuru, te mahi whakawehia, me nga tikanga whakatipukino o te roopu iwi.[1]
Tirohia hoki
takatāHoto ki waho
takatā- Glenn D. Paige, Nonkilling Global Political Science (Putaiao torangapu patu kore o te ao), 2002; 3rd ed. 2009.
- Glenn D. Paige, Joám Evans Pim, editors, Global Nonkilling Leadership, 2009.
- School of Nonkilling Studies at Wikiversity
- Center for Global Nonkilling
- Center for Global Nonkilling Channel on YouTube
- Charter for a World without Violence
- Affirmation of the Global Nonkilling Spirit