Ko te kiko he kupu mahia mō ētahi kai. He "kiko" te kai takea mai te uaua o ngā kararehe pērā i te heihei, me te puaka,[1] me te pirikahu, me te ika. He mahia hoki tēnei kupu ki te kai ota me reka takea mai te ripiripi ki te hua (i te reo Pākehā: mesocarp,[2] i te reo Rātini: caro[3]) i muri te pīhorenga o tona kiri (i te reo Pākehā: exocarp).[2]

Ngā kiko mata o te heihei, te kau, me te puaka.
Te kai konatuhia mai ngā kiko hua mata ripiripi

Ngā tohutoro

  1. Jan Bay-Petersen (1983). "Competition for resources: the role of pig and dog in the Polynesian agricultural economy". Journal de la Société des Océanistes. 39 (77): 121–129. doi:10.3406/jso.1983.2793.
  2. 2.0 2.1 "Fruit, Pericarp, Endocarp, Exocarp, Mesocarp". Master Garderners of Northern Virginia Illustrated Glossary. 2024.
  3. Todd A. Curtis (2024). Greek and Latin Roots of Medical and Scientific Terminologies. Wh. 132. ISBN 9781118358634.