Appendix:Town and city names
This is a dynamic appendix list of town and place names outside New Zealand in Māori. Unlike other appendix lists of place names, this list is from Māori to English as opposed to from English to Māori.
takatā- Aka - Acre, Israel
- Amatarama - Amsterdam, Netherlands
- Amoi - Amoy, China
- Anatikoa - Antioch, Turkey
- Arehanara - Alexandria, Egypt
- Arekatera - Alcantara, Spain
- Arena - Allen's Creek, Australia
- Ātaraita - Adelaide, Australia
- Atena - Athens, Greece
- Aura - Oude, India
- Autunū - Autun, France
- Awiniona - Avignon, France
takatā- Enora - Endor, Israel
- Erena Pota - Fort Ellen, South Africa
- Erinipara - Edinburgh, Scotland
takatā- Hahihi - Jassy, Romania
- Hairona - Sidon, Lebanon
- Halona - Chalons, France
- Hamurana - Smyrna, Turkey
- Hana Kirira - Saint Kilda, Australia
- Hana Panahiko - San Francisco, United States
- Hanata Pitapaka - Saint Petersburg, Russia
- Hana Tomingo - Saint Domingo
- Hangahai - Shanghai, China
- Hapataporo - Sebastopol, Russia
- Hararihi - Sardis, Turkey
- Harehi - Sales, France
- Hatapara - Strasburg, Germany
- Hata Whe - Santa Fe, United States
- Hatipere - Shaftesbury, England
- Hawha - Jaffa, Israel
- Heamita - Hermitage, Russia
- Hehita - Chester, England
- Henowa - Geneva, Switzerland
- Heremone - Clermont, France
- Hewa - Le Havre, France
- Hiena - Siena, Italy
- Hiharia - Caesarea, Italy
- Himarika - Sigmarigen, Germany
- Hinaara - Shinar, Israel
- Hinaara - Shinar, Lebanon
- Hingapoa - Singapore, Singapore
- Hingetana - Singleton, Australia
- Hiparata - Gibraltar, Gibraltar
- Hiritaone - Heald Town, South Africa
- Hironga - Geelong, Australia
- Hiruharama - Jerusalem, Israel
- Hokene - Hackney, England
- Hongipua - Hong Kong, Hong Kong
- Honoruru - Honolulu, United States
- Hopataone - Hobart, Australia
- Hororenehe - Florence, Italy
- Huwaki - Suwalki, Poland
takatā- Kairo - Cairo, Egypt
- Kamarana - Cumberland, England
- Kamerimo - Camerino, Italy
- Kanaana - Canaan, Israel
- Kānapera - Canberra, Australia
- Kanapoa - Kanpur, India
- Kanatepere - Canterbury
- Kanatinopara - Constantinople, Turkey
- Kapare - Scarborough, England
- Kaparokia - Cappadocia, Italy
- Kapunga - Kapunda, Australia
- Karahiko - Glasgow, Scotland
- Karairi - Carlisle, England
- Karakata - Kolkata, India
- Karakow - Cracow, Poland
- Kareo - Calleo, Peru
- Karia - Caria, Turkey
- Karihi - Calais, France
- Kariri - Gaelili, Israel
- Kariti - Crete, Greece
- Kartako - Carthage, Tunisia
- Katana - Catania, Italy
- Kemareti - Cambridge, England
- Kepataone - Cape Town, South Africa
- Kereama Taone - Graham's Town, South Africa
- Kerehi - Cressy, France
- Keretitata - Gluckstadt, Germany
- Kerokihira - Croixelles, France
- Keta - Kent, England
- Kingi Wiremu Tāone - King William's Town, South Africa
- Koane - Scone, Australia
- Koane - Scone, Scotland
- Konipara - Konigsberg, Germany
- Konotanahe - Constance, Germany
- Korokota - Golgotha, Israel
- Koroniti - Corinth, Greece
- Kotenepara - Gothenburg, Sweden
- Kupertino - Cupertino, Italy
- Kupertino - Cupertino, United States